6 Myths and Misconceptions About Lab-grown Diamonds | Vella Diamonds


October 07, 2021

Nowadays, people who are looking to purchase engagement rings much prefer rings with natural diamonds in them. The common line of thinking for this is since they’re already willing to spend as much as they reasonably can, then they might as well go all the way and opt for a natural diamond ring. However, there’s also another reason why this is and that’s because of the usual myths and misconceptions that are often associated with the alternative choice known as lab-grown diamonds.

In this article, the jewellery pros of Vella Diamonds discuss the five different myths and misconceptions that surround lab-grown diamonds.

  1. They Aren’t Certified

    When people purchase loose diamonds or a diamond ring, one of the things that they tend to look for is a certification from trusted bodies such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). This is because a certification from such an institute lets you know about the specifications of the diamond, confirming that it is indeed the real deal. When it comes to lab-grown diamonds, however, a common myth that people tend to believe is real is that it’s never certified. This couldn’t be farther from the truth as lab-grown diamonds are also subject to certification by the same diamond grading and certifying agencies that grade and certify natural diamonds. This means that despite the fact that they’re made in a contained environment, lab-grown diamonds are still certified by trustworthy agencies.

  1. Lab-Grown Diamonds’ Color Change Over Time

    One of the common reasons why some people find lab-grown diamonds attractive is because it allows people to obtain diamonds of different colors at a lower price than usual. But sometimes, the color of lab-grown diamonds are another source of misconception for lab-grown diamonds as some tend to believe that the color of lab-grown diamonds change over time. Again, this is nothing but pure myth as similar to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds do not change color as time goes by, allowing you to look for engagement rings with colored diamonds that will last for a long time.

  1. Lab-Grown Diamonds Aren’t Eco-Friendly

    A common issue with diamond mining is that it can sometimes harm the environment with the amount of fossil fuel that the industry consumes, the number of trees that are sometimes cut down, and the large holes that are dug just to gain access to the diamonds. Needless to say, diamond mining isn’t the eco-friendliest of industries. But believe it or not, some people tend to think that lab-grown diamonds are more harmful to the environment than mining natural diamonds thanks to the amount of electricity that producing lab-grown diamonds require. According to experts, the truth is while a large amount of electricity is needed to create lab-grown diamonds, this is still more eco-friendly than natural diamond mining is. Apart from that, a new method of creating lab-grown diamonds was also developed recently with this method requiring less electricity than its predecessor, making the creation of lab-grown diamonds even more eco-friendly than they already are in the process.

  1. They Aren’t Real Diamonds

    Diamond pros say that another common myth that usually surrounds lab-grown diamonds is that they aren’t real. In fact, some even go as far as to call them fake. But again, this is nothing more than pure myth that was spread to discredit the reputation of lab-grown diamonds. In reality, engagement rings with lab-grown diamonds are as legitimate as mined diamonds since they’re practically identical to the naked eye. The only difference between the two is their respective origins since lab-grown diamonds are made in a lab while natural diamonds are mined from the earth.

  1. Lab-Grown Diamonds Don’t Have the Same Strength as Natural Diamonds

    Diamonds are said to be the hardest mineral on the planet and in fact, it’s one of the reasons why it’s such a beloved stone for jewellery since it allows the accessory to last for a long time. Lab-grown diamonds boast the same strength as natural diamonds but unfortunately, some people tend to doubt this due to misinformation. Luckily, however, this is nothing more than a myth as lab-grown diamonds have the same composition as natural diamonds, meaning that they’re just as strong as mined diamonds.

If one isn’t very experienced in the matters of jewellery, it’s very easy to mistake lab-grown diamonds for less than genuine. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, now that you know that the aforementioned items are far from the truth, you shouldn’t exclude them from your options when canvassing for engagement rings. In fact, if you’re currently searching for the perfect engagement ring and you’re considering one with a lab-grown diamond, don’t hesitate to turn to Vella Diamonds, the experts in bespoke jewellery. You may visit our website to see the wide range of products and services they can offer you or set an appointment with a trusted staff. We won’t let you down!


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