July 12, 2021

When people are planning to purchase a diamond ring for a proposal, most tend to think about diamonds with a round. This is understandable considering it is the most popular diamond shape in the market since it can maximize the brilliance and fire of any diamond. However, that isn’t the only diamond shape that you can consider. In fact, there are plenty more diamond cuts that you can choose for your engagement ring.

Here are the six diamond cuts you can consider for a diamond ring.

  1. Princess Cut

    It’s common knowledge that almost every girl wants to be treated like a princess when their partner is proposing to them. Thankfully, the jewellery industry has a diamond cut that allows anyone to treat their partner like the royalty they are for their special day. These are known as the princess cut. Now, after the round and cushion cuts, this diamond shape is one of the most popular cuts that people gravitate toward because not only are they available in both square and rectangular shapes but they’re also exceptionally brilliant thanks to the way they’re cut. In fact, the color they emit is also very unique, further increasing their popularity. Just be sure to purchase a ring with a protective setting, however, as princess cut diamonds are notorious for chipping at corners and falling out if they aren’t properly protected.

  1. Cushion Cut

    Also known as the pillow cut, this type of diamond cut earned its name for…of course…its diamond shape. Thanks to their rounded corners and brilliant facets, of which there are said to be 58, this particular type of diamond has impeccable brilliance and clarity in their appearance. Despite being around since the 18th century, the cushion cut’s versatility, beauty, and old world feel allowed it to steadily regain its popularity to the point that it even overtook the princess cut in being the second most popular shape for a diamond ring after the round cut. Therefore, if you want something a bit older and less intense while fitting in a modern setting at the same time, then the cushion cut is one of the best diamond shape choices that you can consider.

  1. Emerald Cut

    On the other hand, if you want a diamond shape that gives off a modern, art deco aesthetic for your engagement ring, then the emerald cut should be your first choice as you shop around for an appropriate ring. According to the experts in the diamond industry, the emerald cut is one of the most timeless diamond shapes there is as its long silhouette and angular lines perfectly captures the diamond’s clarity while catching the light at the same time. Other than that, if it’s set perfectly on the ring, it can make one’s fingers look more slender and longer. Keep in mind, however, that since it has few facets to distract from its blemishes, it’s best that you choose an emerald cut diamond with color and good clarity. That way, its flaws can be hidden from anyone who’ll look at it.

  1. Marquise Cut

    Are you looking to maximize the carat weight of your diamond? If so, then don’t hesitate to consider the marquise cut for your diamond ring. This is because this particular diamond shape emphasizes the stone’s size and therefore, similar to the emerald cut, this causes one’s finger to look more slender and longer. The only difference is, unlike the emerald cut, its curved sides and pointed ends can give your engagement ring a more regal feel than usual. So long as the diamond is set properly, you should get your beloved’s sweet, sweet “yes” if you get down on one knee and propose with one of these on hand.

  1. Pear Cut

    Dating back to the 1400s, the pear cut, or teardrop diamond as it is also known, is a hybrid of styles that takes cues from both the oval and marquise diamond cuts, making the perfect choice for people who want something a bit more vintage-inspired for their special day. According to diamond pros, this cut is also the best choice to consider if size matters to you because viewing it from the top makes them appear larger than they actually are, allowing you to have a ring that looks large without having to spend much for it.

  1. Heart Cut

    – Finally, if you want a diamond ring that perfectly shows off your eternal love and devotion for your partner, then consider picking the heart cut for your diamond’s shape. While they may not be the traditional choice for engagement rings, this contemporary cut can still be used regardless of whether you have an elaborate setting or simple band for the ring. However, one thing you need to know about this cut is that it isn’t exactly affordable; since it’s a complicated cut, there’s a high chance you’ll have to pay more for labor than usual in shaping it. Therefore, be sure to only decide on this cut if you really have the budget to do so. Apart from that, it’s also a bit too trendy so if you want something that’ll look good for a long time, this may not be the shape for you. So, if you’re considering the heart cut, be sure to properly think things through and ensure if it really is what your partner will want.

Planning to propose to your partner? Does your friend or family member need help in picking out the right diamond ring? Look no further than Vella Diamonds. With our expertise, we are more than qualified to assist you in looking for the right engagement or wedding ring for your special day. You can count on us! Visit our website to see our selection or to learn more about diamonds, engagement rings, and wedding rings.


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